
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2024 angezeigt.

How to - Find or Check NAVServerConfiguration using Out-GridView

Since there is no longer an Admin Center in the new versions, it is sometimes tedious to search for settings on the ServiceTier, especially if you don't know the exact name of the value you are looking for.   With the following query you can display the values in the GridView: Get-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance BC240 | % {$_ | Select-Object } | Out-GridView  Filtering is relatively easy in GridView:    

How to - Publish a single app to Business Central OnPrem with PowerShell

From time to time i end up in the situation where i need to deploy a app manually to a on prem environment. This is usally not the case because we are using pipelines to deploy to our customers. But if i need to i always forgot what are the commands i need to use in wich sequence. At some point i created a simple script that installs a app and uninstalls the previous version (without any dependency checks or logic). Now all i have to do is setting the right ServerInstance and appPath and run the script. I know that this script could be much better and you could make it with parameter etc.. but i dont want it to because now it is simple and does the job and if you need fancy stuff you probably should publish using a pipeline. You can find the Source Code of the script here: